Sit down with both legs outstretched.
Bend the left knee and place the sole of the left foot against the right thigh so that the heel touches the perineum.
Bend the right knee and put the right heel against the public bone.
Keep hands with palms open if done between sunrise and sunset; otherwise reverse the palms.
The spine should always be held erect.
This is Siddhasana. Once this has been mastered, it is truly a comfortable position for meditation practice.
Practice of this asana helps in concentration and clarity of mind.
It improves memory, digestion and the faculty of the mind.
It is beneficial to those suffering from wet dreams.
Siddhasana should not be practiced by those with sciatica.
For men who are interested in maintaining sexual relations (ie. with no long term commitment to celibacy), use a soft sitting support to lift the genitals high enough so that the base of the penis is not compressed. Take care to situate the heels perfectly in the midline.
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