Creating a Perfect Man Course 1
Everyone has heard about the profound discovery of Veda and Vedic Literature in the human physiology. In this course you'll dive deeply to really understand and experience how the impulses of Natural Law that structure the entire universe also structure your brain and entire physiology. Realize within yourself that you truly are cosmic--this is the experience of the thousands around the world who took this course last year. This course substantiates all that students have learned in the Total Knowledge course, and builds on the foundation of their understanding of Veda and the Vedic Literature. A central theme of the course is 'The Individual Is Cosmic.' In this course you will explore the nature of the intelligence of Natural Law which structures the ever-expanding universe, and learn more about the one-to-one correspondence between the impulses of Natural Law and the structures and function of human physiology. The direct connection between human life and the cosmic counterparts is an important component of the course, especially for Creating a Perfect Man, course 1. This course is based on the historic discovery of Professor Tony Nader, M.D., Ph.D., President of Maharishi Open University, and now the First Sovereign Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, His Majesty Raja Nader Raam, that the intelligence of Natural Law that structures the universe—Veda and the Vedic Literature—is also found in the human physiology. This course prepares the individual for gaining mastery over Natural Law, enabling one to enjoy full support of Nature for fulfillment of one's desires. The course includes traditional recitation of the Vedic Literature by Vedic Pandits, and advanced knowledge of Maharishi Nadi-Vigyan, self-pulse reading. This knowledge will be the materialization of the course title — Creating a Perfect Man. The course is taken part-time over seven months. There are two lessons each week; each lesson is 1 1/2 hours in length. Completion of the Total Knowledge course is a requirement for enrolling in the Creating a Perfect Man, course 1.
Creating a Perfect Man Course 2
Continue to unfold the fascinating depths of knowledge and profound experience of your cosmic status. This course continues the investigation of the historic discovery of Professor Tony Nader, M.D., Ph.D., President of Maharishi Open University, and now the First Sovereign Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, His Majesty Raja Nader Raam, that the intelligence of Natural Law, which structures the entire universe, is also found in human physiology. Discussion of each aspect of the Vedic Literature is followed by the traditional Vedic recitation, and the knowledge of Maharishi Nadi-Vigyan, self-pulse reading is reviewed. Completion of Creating a Perfect Man course 1 is required for enrolment. The course is taken part-time over six months, 2 lessons per week. Each lesson is 1 1/2 hours in length.
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